Monday, March 31, 2008

Movie Weekend (part 1)

I watched a bunch of movies this past rainy weekend (including some old favorites I haven't see in a while). Two Lane Blacktop was among those favorites. I like sitting with a sketchbook while flipping through comics and magazines and watching great movies on rainy days...very productive...


Anonymous said...

2LB rules! I never ran Laurie through the ol' IMDB and Wikip' before now, so have just discovered she plays Paul Simon's character's girlfriend in 'Annie Hall' (which I now must see for 7,000th time to make cognisant note of) and committed suicide in Art Garfunkle's apt. 6-15-79.
Still have yet to see our boy's 'Cockfighter'...

Great sketch!


JTO said...

Wow, I never researched Laurie Bird either...she always seem kind of mysterious, like she just walked on to the set and got in a car. I'm gonna rewatch Cockfighter soon, they have it at the Broad St. Vision in Athens now. Happy Birthday Chilly, I have that Black Cat poster for you, anytime you want it!