I've been preoccupied the last couple of weeks dealing with apartment floods. The building I'm in has some major drainage/gutter issues that weren't that obvious during the scorching, biblical, arid drought North GA has been under since I moved in last Spring. This new and normal cycles of gushing summer thunderstorms turn what was an occasional, annoying leaky window and small section of floor in a full on, splattering flood...it was isolated to the back room (my studio) and I hauled ass out to home depot at 6 AM Saturday morning and bought a wet/dry shop vac to slurp up the nasty tides of backed up gutter-water seeping and dripping into my place. This is all happening right after I buy and install my beloved new Mac...my first real design computer and the nicest thing I have ever owned. Luckily I was there when the dam broke, the Mac was at the opposite end of the pad, and there was a vacant, clean, DRY unit on the other side of the building. It actually worked out for the best...the move was pretty easy, I don't own much, no pianos or marble statues, and it forced me to dump a lot of worthless crap that I have been sitting on and ignoring for the past 10 years or so...my life was flushed, pretty much, in a relatively positive, painless way. The new pad is slightly better, and weird in a giddy, funhouse kind of way because it is exactly the same layout and proportions as my old place except EVERYTHING IS BACKWARDS, like a mirror, which totally flips me out first thing in the morning. I got a book on Paul Rand and a tricks of the trade guide for Illustrator CS3 and I'm digging the clean slate. The most regretable tragic loss was my pinball machine, made of particle board, that was doused with water for an hour or so...not 100% sure but I don't think the old girl will pull through...RIP Star Explorer (1975-2008).